
STJ ACM provides a collection of tools and materials to help students develop their skills. Whether you're preparing for interviews, expanding your knowledge, or looking for expert insights, these resources will support your learning journey.

Interview Preparation

Python Course for Beginners

A 4-hour-long free course that teaches you all the Python fundamentals.


One of the best websites to use for technical interview prep. NeetCode provides a roadmap to help you practice for those interviews.


The most popular platform for technical interview preparation with thousands of coding problems and company-specific questions.

Blind 75 LeetCode Questions

A curated list of 75 most important coding interview questions in tech interviews.


Practice coding, prepare for interviews, and get hired. Great platform for beginners with structured learning paths.

AlgoExpert (Free Problems)

Platform with high-quality coding interview questions. Some problems are free to access!


Comprehensive resource for computer science concepts, coding problems, and interview preparation materials.


Free platform offering programming interview questions and a structured study plan for interview preparation.

Project Euler

Collection of computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs. Great for improving problem-solving skills.

CSES Problem Set

A collection of algorithmic programming problems to help you master common algorithms and data structures.

Grind 75

An improved version of Blind 75 with customizable study plans based on your interview timeline.

Tech Interview Handbook

Comprehensive guide covering algorithms, behavioral questions, and interview preparation strategies.

System Design Primer

Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for system design interviews with real-world architectures.


Practice mock interviews with peers. Free platform for technical and behavioral interview practice.

Practice technical interviews with engineers from top companies. Anonymous practice interviews.

Helpful Websites

CompTIA Security+ Training

Free CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 Training Course!


Learn cybersecurity through hands-on exercises and labs. Great for beginners!


Advanced penetration testing labs and challenges for cybersecurity enthusiasts.


Learn and practice security concepts through fun wargames.


Free coding bootcamp covering web development, JavaScript, and more.

The Odin Project

Free full-stack curriculum teaching web development from ground up.

MDN Web Docs

Comprehensive documentation and guides for web technologies.


Simple tutorials and references for web development technologies.


Interactive platform for learning various programming languages.

GitHub Student Pack

Free developer tools and services for students.

YouTube Channels


Engaging cybersecurity and networking tutorials


Comprehensive programming tutorials and courses


Quick, practical web development tutorials and tech news

Traversy Media

Web development tutorials and project walkthroughs

The Net Ninja

Detailed web development tutorials and courses

Web Dev Simplified

Clear explanations of web development concepts

Kevin Powell

CSS tutorials and web design techniques


In-depth computer science concepts and theory


Advanced programming concepts and developer productivity